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Rates Puerto Ibáñez - Chile Chico

Rates route "Puerto Ibáñez - Chile Chico"

Valid between March 16 and December 15

General rate

General Access Ticket Value

Children | Students

During the academic period

Older adults

Over 65 years

Disability status

Presenting credential

Car | Van

Up to 5.5 meters


Consider scooters


Pack before boarding

Lineal meter

freight meter

Important note free tickets

To obtain online tickets whose purchase total is $0.-, $1.- will be charged due to technical limitations of the collection services. If you wish to obtain a free ticket without this charge, please request it directly at our offices.

Additionally, at the time of boarding, the ticket will be requested and it will be verified that the conditions for free tickets are met.

Schedules Puerto Ibáñez - Chile Chico

Route schedules "Puerto Ibáñez - Chile Chico"

Valid between March 16 and December 15

Salidas desde Puerto Ibáñez
Salida desde Chile Chico
Solo Cargas Peligrosas
10:00 - 19:00
12:00 - 20:00
8:00 - 17:00
Rampa Chile Chico

Rates and Schedules

Puerto Ibáñez to Chile Chico route

Below you can find the Schedules for the current low season for the lake connection service between Puerto Ingeniero Ibáñez and Chile Chico. We invite you to pay attention to the news of the Route on our main page

Benefit Request Form

We ask that you fill out this short form to be eligible for free tickets for the Puerto Ibáñez - Chile Chico Route .

If you prefer to carry out this procedure in person, you can go directly to our offices, remember to bring the supporting documentation according to your request and your identity card.

Discount you want to qualify for

After receiving the request , our assistants will contact you via email to request additional documentation to validate your benefit (study certificate, identity card or other as appropriate). We also tell you that all passengers must present their identity card to be able to board.

Dangerous Cargo Travel

Passengers cannot be transported on trips reserved for dangerous cargo . These trips are made on Tuesdays at 11:00 departing from Puerto Ibáñez to Chile Chico and returning on Tuesdays at 16:00 from Chile Chico to Puerto Ibáñez . If you want to reserve a spot to transport dangerous loads, below we leave you a contact form, fill out the information and we will contact you soon.

Dangerous Cargo Travel | General Carrera Lake | Transal
La Tehuelche Travel | Patagonia Ferry

Group Trips

At Naviera Salas, we understand the importance of facilitating the mobility of large groups, whether they are school delegations, sports teams or groups in general.

To coordinate the transfer of your delegation, we invite you to complete our travel requirements form. Click here to submit your application and start planning your next trip with us!

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